Monday, February 02, 2009

Officially Mrs. To

So I finally went to get my name changed today. At first, my delay was for practical reasons. We were traveling and I needed my driver's license to match my plane ticket, and then I had to re-register for voting and, again, needed my ID... and then... I just sort of dilly-dallied because after 27 years, I've kind of grown attached to my name.

But I knew what I would eventually have to do, so armed with every piece of identification and documentation in my previous name, I made my way to the Social Security office today. Even then, it was a struggle as I handed over my stack of papers. As she typed in my information, I scrambled for maybe some way I could preserve "Li"... maybe alter my middle name. Or maybe a hyphenated last name? I actually had to fight from crying, lest the Social Security lady think I was crazy (which I probably am... I mean, people do this all the time!).

In the end, I left my middle name in tact and left out the hyphenation. I am officially Cecilia To. Or... ceciLIa To. (or Ceci Li—a To. neat, huh? cheesy, but it helps with the transition...)


  1. I like Ceci Li-- a To. It's true! And CELEBRATE that you're a To! They are a neat family, and Wayne's such a spiffy guy!

  2. Now your family is deformed (or extra special depending on how you look at it). 6 Toes in one family! That is until you and Wayno have 3 kids.
