Monday, February 23, 2009

"You, Mom? RUN?!"

confession: I haven't run in a long time... a really long time. I blame the cold and the dreary weather, but I know I can really only blame myself and my lack of discipline.

I had a little conversation with Lucy today that was pretty convicting. It went something like this:

Me: Hey, Lucy. I see a clearing in the rain. I think I'm going to go for a run!
Lucy: You, Mom? RUN?!
Me: Yeah... why do you seem so surprised?
Lucy: I don't know... I've just never seen you exercise before. I mean, MoMo's mom does a lot of yoga and goes to bar method classes, so I can see her being physically fit. You just kind of sit around and stay home a lot. I just didn't know you were into stuff like that...

Ouch. But you know what they say, kids and puppies say the darnedest things, but also speak the truth.

So I laced up my shoes (took me a while to find my running hat; it's been so long), and went for a quick 3-miler--nice and short to start out with... and turn this thing back into more of a habit than an aberration.

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