Thursday, April 30, 2009

O Cupcake Tree, O Cupcake Tree...

I think I need a cupcake tree... which one should I get?

pros: i like the metal retro look, and very sturdy looking, holds 24.
cons: the structured cups would allow for ONLY cupcakes. and i would have to wait until the weekend to purchase when I would like to use it on Friday (because our closest C&B is in Roseville, which is far).


Martha Stewart
pros: the rounded cups would allow me to showcase fruit or eggs or other non-cupcake items. i can purchase today or tomorrow to use Friday afternoon.
cons: no handle on top for carrying purposes, not sure if I like the white as much, only holds 18.


  1. mmm i hate judging products by pictures, if it were me, i'd make a trip to roseville to check out both ;)

  2. OR! you can make your own tree with vintage plates and bowls/cups. this way you're also not restricted by how many cupcakes it holds :)

  3. @Sam: baby shower for one of wayne's coworkers.

    @Susan: yeah, I really like the tiered plate look, which is why I haven't bought a tree yet. it's just... a tree is more portable. but you know, i think i'm going to make my own stand today, thanks to your inspiration. :)

  4. These cupcake stands were in my dreams last night-- a dog had put tennis balls in each of the cupcake spots.
