Wednesday, August 05, 2009

running out of time

The Nike Women's Marathon is fast approaching, and I am so not ready for it. Between the trips, busy work schedule, recent house painting, and other excuses, I haven't been running at all! But this past week, I found a marathon training schedule online to help me stay focused. It's an 18-week training schedule, but since the race is in mid October, I have to jump right into week 7! That means that I did my requisite 3-miler on Tuesday, 6-miler today, and I'm scheduled for a whopping 14 miles on Saturday!!! Just like that! Although I suppose it wasn't intended to be such instantaneous torture, but that's what I get for missing the first 6 weeks of my training. yikes... I hope I'm still alive to enjoy Josh and Melissa's wedding later that day.

oh, and P.S. Our bedroom walls look like toothpaste! I had envisioned a soothing seafoam, but got Colgate, instead. :/


  1. aquafresh might look better! i can give you some samples if you'd like.

  2. Trust Clark, Ceci. He's a dentist!!

  3. that's awesome you're running a marathon!! :) I did a half-marathon 1.5 years ago, but sadly stopped exercising after that (lack of time...)
