Thursday, November 14, 2013

We All Scream for Ice Cream (Especially Caedmon)

Gunther's Ice Cream in Sacramento, CA

A couple of weeks ago, we took a trip to Gunther's.  We love this old-fashioned ice cream parlor that is as much a proverbial Shangri-la of sugary confections as it is a fixture in iconic Sacramento.  As if we need an excuse to go, I had an Entertainment Book coupon that was about to expire, and who can let free ice cream go to waste?  Plus, I thought it would be fun to capture Caedmon's first taste of ice cream.  Well, his second. His first was a hilarious contortion of his face in response to the unfamiliar freezing temperatures in his mouth, but without a camera, the moment was lost.  This time, we were armed and ready.  Wayne voiced his concern, though.  "Are you sure you want him eating ice cream at this hour?  All for the sake of a picture?"  "Don't worry," I reasoned.  "He doesn't like it. I just want a picture for his scrapbook."  

Oh, how I was wrong...

No, thank you.  This is new and strange.  I do NOT want to try it! 

I'd really rather play on this window ledge and bombard the people in the next booth with my cuteness.

Nevermind that there's a placard that says, "Parents, please keep children off the window" that Mom didn't see until way later... Oops.

Okay, I'll give it another try...

Oooh... that's good!

I need another bite.

And another...

What do you mean, "That's enough"?!  

Crying and screaming ensued, but we brought it upon ourselves, right?  We took him outside, which always does the trick.  And though our evening dissolved into a slight meltdown, I would say it was a rather happy ending... Not only did we get our fill of ice cream for our stomachs, and I, fodder for my scrapbook, Wayne and I were able to witness the likes of a budding love story, because if this boy is anything like his parents, he will be blissfully entangled in this sweet, creamy romance for years to come.

Okay, I'll play on this bike rack... I'm easily distracted.  But Mom, when's my next ice cream cone??


  1. Hahaha! You were surprised when a child liked ice cream. You're so funny :)

  2. We gave Miles a taste of ice cream when he was about 7 months old and he seemed to like it. But when he got older and we offered it again, he didn't - and still doesn't - like it!! I can't believe my kid doesn't like ice cream. Where did I go wrong?!
