Sunday, July 12, 2015

Our Family of 3.5

Back in early February, my dear friend Calvina took some photos of our little family of 3.5. At the time of the shoot, I was just starting my second trimester of pregnancy, so in other words, I was in that dreaded in-between stage in which I looked less pregnant and more like I had simply let myself go. But no matter; there is much a loose top will hide, I have since learned after giving birth to Caedmon, and so my vanity appeased, we set about a usual day while Calvina snapped away and so beautifully and artfully captured those moments that make these usual days so special.

Now, in this last week before my due date, there is definitely no hiding this burgeoning mass that is my abdomen. And with Baby's imminent arrival, I find myself frantically hoarding my time and energy in order to finish projects, read books, spend time with Wayne and Caedmon, see friends, cook and freeze meals, wash and organize Baby's things... I am a whirling dervish of productivity, because we all know that life is over when a newborn arrives! (At least for a period of time.) But tonight, I'm taking a (small) breather as I peruse and enjoy these photos of our family of three-not-quite-four... because it really has been a special and significant time. (And because our worlds are about to be rocked, never to be the same, whether we're ready or not!)

See our full gallery here.

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