Saturday, July 27, 2013

Celebrating 5 Years

Wayne and I celebrated our five year anniversary yesterday by going out to dinner at a nice restaurant in town.  Yes, Caedmon cried when we left (when does he not?), but even as I pried his fingers from around my neck, my spirits were high.  We were going out!  At night!  Together!  It was almost surreal, driving the familiar streets... but at night.

With nothing else open during the late evenings in Elk Grove, we were home by 9:45, but that short excursion out together was so incredibly revitalizing, not just for my spirits, but I know for our relationship, as well.  Uninterrupted conversation and undivided attentions for un-sleepy spouses can do wonders.... imagine that.  (Gifts of jewelry also help.  See my new necklace below... EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!)

I remember when we were first married, older couples advised us to always keep up with date nights.  Okay, we thought, and diligently applied this sage advice for the first four years.  Oh, yes, this is fun, we said to one another, as each week, we checked off restaurants we wanted to try, sometimes even twice in that time frame.  Did we want ice cream afterwards?  Sure.  Did we want to watch a movie in the theaters?  Why not?  (But only if there was a coupon.)  Did we want to spend three and a half weeks gallivanting all over Europe for our summer break?  Absolutely.  And then Caedmon came along and changed EVERYTHING... including my relationship with my very best friend.  We no longer have as much time or, to be honest, the energy to spend that level of quality time with one another... zoning out in front of the television after Caedmon has gone to bed because we're so dog-tired just isn't the same.

And so now I understand the advice of the Wise Ones so much clearer.  It is hard to carve out time with Wayne, when all I want to do in the evenings is read or work on a crossword.  It is hard to leave Caedmon, knowing he has a difficult time with us gone.  It is hard, even, to find the motivation to actually put on something that is not cotton and make myself look more than just presentable. It is so much harder now to keep up with date nights, but I'm already realizing that it's a worthwhile endeavor.

So I had a really good time last night...

hint, hint, Wayne.  ;)

What, I not only brushed my hair but curled it?  This must be a special occasion.

At Boulevard Bistro in Elk Grove.


  1. So very true, i completely agree. Glad you guys had a night out, and happy anniversary. Guess it was 5 years ago that i went to one of the best weddings I've ever been to.

  2. SO fun! Happy anniversary, you guys!! Your pictures of the other person in front of your dinner is SO honeymoon-ish :)

    LOVE YOU!!!

  3. Happy Anniversary! :) Glad you guys were able to make time for one another. IT's always tough to have QUALITY time alone nowadays for us too, but we are trying! Keep it only gets harder with more kids! ;P

  4. So cute! Thanks for the heads up :) and happy anniversary!!!

  5. Looking Good, Mr. and Mrs. To!! I love this post and reading about your lovely anniversary date!
