Thursday, July 30, 2009


We've been busy giving our new home a face lift. Our progress so far...

We bought SO many little paint samples, trying to find the right shade of green... We've decided on Soothing Green Tea, but even now, I'm still a little hesitant.

Repainting our kitchen cabinets!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Take Me Out to the Ballgame!

I had such a fun time at the Giants game last night! Here is why:

1. The company was superb!
2. I got a cute hat!
3. Garlic fries and hotdogs! (You would think all the grease would have warmed us up, but not so much--it was FRIGID last night.)
4. and... oh, yeah, the Giants won against the Pirates (whom I wrongfully told Annie were from Tampa Bay... oops)!

Who could ask for anything more? :)

Monday, July 27, 2009

A Year and a Day

Wayne and I have been married now a year and a day. And in this year and a day, I've learned many things. First, I've learned that Wayne likes to wrap himself in blankets like a burrito when he sleeps, and through the night, he'll slowly reel the blankets off of me to achieve desired burrito state. I've also learned that being married to Mr. To is somewhat like being married to a small town celebrity; seldom can we venture into Elk Grove without being spotted and hounded for autographs (okay, not really about the autographs)... and I predict that these occurrences will only increase when we move into our new house closer to his school. But I think the most impactful lesson I've learned, and am continually learning, is how to operate with and under grace. Sometimes, the smallest things, like a musty sponge, can really ruffle my feathers. But it's when I'm being a prickly porcupine and Wayne braves my quills and embraces me still, I am compelled to lower my defenses and act in love in return. It continually amazes me how God designed marriage to remind us of His love and grace for us.

Yesterday we celebrated out first anniversary by going to this huge flea market/farmer's market up in Roseville (where I got this AMAZING papaya, among other items), and then Wayne took me to lunch at La Provence. We spent the rest of the day working on our house (which is slowly coming along). I have the best time doing the biggest and smallest things with Wayne, and yesterday was perfect! For no rhyme or reason we work... I still don't know HOW we work, because on paper we are so different, but we do, so beautifully. And by God's grace, I look forward to many more years and a day of living, loving, playing, and growing.

Happy anniversary, Sweetheart!

This is us at the farmer's market!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

This Week's Results Show

WARNING: SYTYCD season 5 episode 19 spoiler.

JEANETTE????? booo!!!!!! :( I should have voted for her that night (but I thought she was safe)!!! I'm not so sad about Jason. While I must agree he was a good dancer and performed a couple of pieces I really liked, like the childhood friends one with Jeanine ("I love childhood friends!") and the zombie one, I just never warmed up to him as a person.

But Jeannette?? It was that breast cancer dance! Saved Melissa for sure! I mean, how do you go up against breast cancer?!?! >:{

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

color crisis!!!

just got back from a test run of colors for our house. so many colors... and shades of colors... And what I thought was going to look great, doesn't. Colors are clashing. And now I'm second-guessing all my original color choices. I've always loved a bright color palette, but now, never has a sea of beige seemed more appealing--and safe. so confused!

must stop staring at color swatches and go to bed. goodnight!

on the move

Well, not just yet. But we did get the keys to our new house yesterday!!! YAY!!!!!!! The first thing Wayne and I did was peel off the wall paper daisies and "stained glass" from the windows. ahh, much better!

We still have lots to paint and pack before we actually move in. Right now, we're frantically trying to finish the kitchen and laundry room before our appliances are delivered on Saturday (which normally wouldn't be a problem, except that I'm working lots this week). But it WILL get done, and it should be lots of fun!!

Here we are with our wonderful realtor, Pam, who also works with Wayne as a teacher at Franklin! Thanks, Pam!!!!!