This guy. Never ceases to surprise me with delight.
“Mommy, what is that thing that you do when you don’t want something anymore? Can we do it??”
I am working hard at my computer to meet a deadline, but he clambers onto my lap anyway and sticks his face in mine, commanding my attention. “Can we do it? You know, when we don’t want old toys. Can we do that thing?” (

It takes me a bit to realize he’s referring to a GARAGE SALE. And I say, “Sure!” Because that’s what you say when you’re trying to buy some peace and quiet. And, “Uh, huh,” when he starts digging out bagged up toys and emptying boxes. And, “Okay,” when he says he’s going to the garage, and there’s just a lot of dragging and shuffling and commotion, but it’s not in my office so I’m very okay with it… until there is no more commotion at all.
I decide I need to be somewhat responsible as a mother, so I head to the garage to investigate. And what I find when I open the door is not what I expect at all: my 5-year-old perched in a camping chair at the far end of our driveway, with his wares gathered in front of him and a bucket (to collect his earnings, I assume) to his left.
“What are you doing, Ry?”
“Just waiting!”
I can barely see him; that chair envelops him and emphasizes just how small he is. When I get closer, I see that he’s had the foresight to bring his sunglasses because it could be a long wait, even though he’s priced his products competitively at just “5$¢.”
He gives me a big grin. Man, that kid is a riot! And I'm tickled that, at least for a brief bit, I was drawn out of my world, if reluctantly, to meet him in his, still brimming with wonder, possibility, gumption... so that when you want to "do that thing you do when you don't want something anymore," you do it with total commitment. 😛 How brilliant it is to be five!
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